Take a tour of Meersbrook Hall and hear talks by members of the Guild of St George – the organisation established by John Ruskin in 1871 to make England a happier place in which to live. Through the Guild, Ruskin founded the Ruskin Museum specifically for Sheffield’s workers. He filled it with a collection of […]
Meersbrook Hall recently saw its first public visitors in over 60 years! Over 150 people have taken tours of the Hall within the first month of us receiving the keys and taking over the running of the building. The Friends of Meersbrook Hall celebrated this important milestone at their first AGM, in what was previously […]
We would like to invite registered members of Friends of Meersbrook Hall to an open evening and AGM on Thursday 26th May, 19.45. Unfortunately we were a few members short of a quorate meeting for our AGM in April, so we adjourned the AGM business until our next meeting, (please see minutes here). We will […]

Some great news for our partners, Heeley Development Trust! The park that they manage – Heeley People’s Park (previously known as Millenium Park) – has been designated as an Asset of Community Value. Here is what they’ve said: “Hello People’s Park supporters – we’ve just had some good news! Last year as part of our […]